This molecule was detected in human urine with a retention time of 3.56 minutes. The data were acquired applying UPLC-MS on a Thermo Scientific Accela integrated with a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer operating in electrospray positive ion mode. A Thermo Scientific Accucore Amide HILIC (2.1 mm × 100 mm, 2.6µm) column was applied. A HILIC linear gradient elution operating at a flow rate of 0.40mL/min over 12 minutes was applied from 5%B to 50%B with acetonitrile (with 5mM ammonium acetate) as solvent A and water (with 5mM ammonium acetate) as solvent B. The expected mass accuracy of the instrument is <5ppm. MS/MS data were acquired in positive ion mode applying HCD and m/z measurements in the Orbitrap Velos with a precursor selection width of +/-1.5Da, a precursor m/z of 348 and normalised collision energy of 60%. The expected mass accuracy for MS/MS data is <5ppm.